Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Well, I just want to say that I only found some of you today. Matt, Rob, Beau, Britney. I'm so sorry that I haven't been reading your thoughts for the day. Thanks for all you do and say to me on my thoughts.

Our thoughts are sometimes so private. In fact I'm sure if a survey was done, we would find that most everyone keeps their thoughts to themselves. There is a reason for this I'm sure. I don't even want to know what everyone thinks about me, nor do I want everyone to know what I think about them. Is that two-faced or polite?

I actually believe that it's polite, rather than two-faced. Why? I think that two-faced is telling one person you feel one way and another person another way. That would be double tongued and that is wrong scripturally.

So, where am I going with this? Well, do I have to be going anywhere? Probably so. I love hearing from everyone and I love the thought that people are reading what I write. I heard you, Matt, say once in a sermon that you were writing in your BLOG one day and blah blah blah, I'm sorry I don't remember the rest of the sermon, but that's where my ADD kicked in and my mind went wondering. I was thinking, what does he write, and better yet, why??? Why would you write all this down just for yourself. If you'll remember, I started this to chronicle my year. What better way to chronicle what's happening in your life than with this blog that keeps it stored on somebody's computer or however it works. That's not important how, just that it works. I also wanted some sort of therapy for myself so that I could get my thoughts out of my head and on paper. (well, not all of my thoughts) That's just it, the thoughts that matter to me and to you possibly.

Again, thanks for letting me ramble. I love this avenue of communication. I think I have a new addiction.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Me too. I'm addicted to this blog-thing. And, I too used to hear people talking about their blog and, besides thinking it was the dumbest word I'd ever heard, I wondered why they would want to just type out thoughts that random people could read. Now I know. Now, I blog. And I blog. And I blog. I love it.
I forgot to say in my comment to your last blog...CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss!!! Keep up the good're such a loser. Ha!