Monday, March 31, 2008

Cruise Ship?

I have been absent as far as "blogging" goes for over a week. Why is that? I have no real answer to that except I just haven't been feeling like writing. I haven't had anything to say. BUT!!!!!!!!! I do.

I have the most wonderful family and I just can't seem to find ways of expressing it. All the way from my Grandmother to my grandchildren, they are just awesome. Can I just say it again?? I love my wife and kids and I don't really know why I don't know how to put in words my feelings for them.

We heard a speaker this weekend, and while I'm not 100% on all he had to say and all of his avenues and tactics he did impress on me a few things. And, isn't that what it's all about, getting something out of anything that will help you out on the road of life? He hit a couple of nerves, but I could usually agree with what he said, just not always how he got there.

He compared our Christian Journey to a ship. Are we on a Cruise Ship or are we on a Battle ship. I pondered this.....and I pondered this....and I do believe that I have been on a cruise ship. I have not fought a battle over my Christianity in a long time, or ...ever???

I think I fight the battle, but how do I? I want to fight the battle, but how and who with? Yes, I feel like I fight the devil every day with my own life, but am I fighting the battle for Christ and saving others from being lost? My children are grown and I'm not saying that that battle is over, but my goal in life is for my children and now their families, to go to heaven. Heaven is our goal is it not? And ever how many you can take with you. Right??? There is always more you can do.

I guess what I am saying is that I haven't been the example that I should be, and I am going to be that example for my Kids and their families from heretofore. I want them to equate me with "Spiritual". I'm not talking "Holy Roller", I'm talking about being that Christlike figure that is dependable, expectable, a leader, a patriarch, learned, knowledgeable, reasonable...

I don't think a Cruise ship is all that bad. I'm sure that the speaker wanted us to all join him on the Battleship and fight for our Christianity all the way to heaven. But....I also think once we are saved and have that redemption and then of course battle the devil along the way, we can and do have the luxury of being on a cruise ship. All cruise ships are not just hunky dory, they have problems along the way also, or so I've heard. My Christian cruise has been awesome!!!!!! I could stand to get my hands dirty and work a lot harder at it and that's exactly what I intend to do. I'm not sure that the name of my Cruise ship has been emblazened on the side with CHRIST'S CRUISE LINES. But... I'm thinking that a cruise ship is not that bad of a way to travel, especially if it has that name on it. It may even ward off a few evil attempts of the old devil himself.

So, are you with me? Am I crazy? Join me on my Cruise.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please! Welcome me aboard! I love this analogy and I agree's all smoothe sailing with Christ as our Captain. (Too corny?)
And, because of our conversation on the phone the other night, Mark and I have been praying more fervently than ever and also being aware of the example we are to our kids. Thank you!