Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Just Tuesday

Well, I woke up this morning at 3:30 and I should have gotten up, because my head was clear and I was wide awake. I lay there, tossing and turning, got up, got a glass of water, lay back down, same thing. Then at 5:00 or so I finally got a little sleepy and went to sleep just before the alarm went off at 5:45 and then just couldn't wake up!!!! It was 6:20 when I got up and while I was making the bed I thought, Oh, well, at least it's Friday. Then somewhere in there I really woke up walking from one side of the bed to the other and I thought, CRAP!!! It's just Tuesday!!!

But, all in all it has turned out to be a blessed day, and will continue to be so I'm sure. It's all in your perspective. We had a great weekend with two birthday parties and a First Sunday meal at Church. We had snow on Monday and that is always beautiful. My class was canceled last night which was a miracle from God (I hadn't done my homework) And tonight's The Biggest Loser on TV!!!!!! It just don't get any better than that.

I've just finished a book called EAT MOR CHIKIN, doing business the Chick-fil-A way. Truett Cathy, the owner wrote it and it's mostly about how he did it and all that he does with his business and all of his failures and successes etc etc etc. Well, after reading the book, and I highly recommend it to everyone, I was actually downright depressed. I know that sounds weird, but really I had mixed emotions. We had to read it for work, and it is supposed to help us be better business people, blah blah blah. I thought, after reading the book, that if I were 20 years old, I'd be very inspired, if I were 30 years old I'd be intrigued and think it very interesting, but at 50 it was just downright depressing to see what he had accomplished and what I have not accomplished. I know that I can start now and still do something in this world, for me, for God, for everyone. But I feel like I have fiddle faddled away at least 30 of the last 50 years of my life and not really accomplished anything. Anything great that is.

This is not a pity party. I really want to do something and make a difference and it can be simple. I want to be there for people when they call. I want to be helpful and loving and caring. And, I want to be prosperous. Is that too much to want to be prosperous? I think I can get the loving and caring thing down. It's the prosperous thing that I need a lot of work on.

I held Cameron this weekend and put him to sleep. He was just precious. I just rocked him and he cuddled so sweetly. I held Jet and in his own way he was being very sweet in trying his best to show me how to play a video game. I am so stupid on those things. He said I had to find the X's and get them. I told him I didn't even see any X's to get. He said, "Grandad, you just have to open your eyes and look. See, they're there. Just get them." So simple for him, the 5-year old boy genius.

I've rambled on too much and I really must get to work.

have a good Tuesday/Friday


Another day in the life of Beau Hart :) said...

That was funny, thinking it was Friday and realizing it was Tuesday, ha! I hate when I do that! Glad you had a good day anyway :) Beau

Matt said...

Eddie I have felt depressed about not "achieving" what you know you could, but I have to say that the 4 souls you were blessed with and the 2 grandsons you have, that is the most important accomplishment. I am much prouder of you that you and still continue to be a great daddy than if you had started your own business. love ya uncle Eddie.