Saturday, May 15, 2010

It's that time again!!!!!!

Now I know you are wondering what is he talking about? Well, I am talking about losing weight, what else!!!!!!!

I just thought i'd blog about the new me and the transformation that I intend to come about. I hope this is not boring for you, but then this blog is not just for you, it is for me also. I will not tell you the starting weight, that's just too revealing, but I will tell you the goal. The goal is to lose 70 pounds.

WOW, you say. Well, yes, me too. I said, HOLY CRAP!!! I weigh what? You have to be stinking kidding me!!!!!!!

Well, as they say in the weight watchers and biggest losers world, "the scales don't lie".


Okay, so. There you have it. My new life. Counting points and getting moving.

So I will check in weekly and give you an update so that I have a record of my loss and also I'll have a you to slap my hand and keep me on track.

TATA for now, until next week!!!!!

Eddie (70-0=70 to goal)

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