Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mirror Images -

Just what does that mean?
I was getting on the elevator at Cook's Children's Hospital, Fort Worth, the other day and while waiting on a lady to enter before me I glanced up to see my Daddy standing in the elevator.  Well, since my Daddy has been "gone" for 3+ years, you can imagine my surprise!  There he was, staring right at me and my heart took a leap for just a second before realizing I was staring straight into a mirror at the back of the elevator.
It took a minute to catch my breath, but then I spent the rest of the day thinking about why that shocked me so.  I see myself every day in the mirror.  I don't see the same reflection every time.  Why is that?  Am I not always the same person?
The Good Book says that God is the same "Yesterday, today and tomorrow".  If I am to try to imitate Jesus in my life, then that should be what I strive to do also.
Now I know the mirror image is of my outside appearance, and the scripture is talking about our inward  appearances, but wouldn't the same concept apply?  Some days I look like Eddie, some days I look like Dale, some days I look like ???  Some days I look like a Christian, and some days I look like I'm not???
Just a thought.
Thanks Daddy for the "jolt".

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