Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sometimes I don't want to see Jesus

I just want to write. Sometimes I catch myself just wanting to write. Then how come I can't seem to make myself write my paper that is due Monday? Here's what I have been thinking.

Jenny has been away to Arkansas for the past couple of days. When someone is missing in your life your really get to missing them. You know, that first few hours or possibly day, you really don't miss them. Then the hours and days just drag and drag on and on. Oh my goodness, just shoot me! Well, to say the least, I really am missing her and wish she were here. But, she isn't and that is that. She'll be home tomorrow. I can't wait to see her face!!!

We sing songs about longing to see Jesus face to face. You know, I don't know how much I really want that. Am I just crazy or what? I long to go to heaven. I long to live my life without any pain, misery, unhappiness. But, to see God or Jesus, ooohh, my goodness. It's like seeing your Dad after you've broken the window, or gotten a speeding ticket or wrecked the car. You know you have to face him, but you don't want to. I want to see Him, but I don't want to go through all of the guilt I will feel when I see him.

Grace is what I need to focus on. Grace and forgiveness. I know that all will be well, and I can try, try, try to do the right things while I am here on the earth. My goal is to get to heaven and take as many with me as possible. But along the way, I know that I have faltered and strayed off the path and I know that I have disappointed my Father in heaven. I need to concentrate on the forgiveness that he affords me and the grace that abounds in Him.

So, here I go again. I am going to strive to live the life that God would want me to live. I want to do right by Him and let my light shine. These are just some thoughts that are going through my head right now. That is after all what this Blog is all about. Writing down my thoughts and keeping a journal of my daily thoughts. Thanks for taking the journey with me.

Now that's better

I heard Obama making a speech and I don't even know why he was speaking but he was being asked what kind of puppy would be coming with them to the White House. Something about it had to be a dog that would not interfere with their allergies and would have to be from a shelter, you know, a rescue dog. Then he commenced to say that it would probably be a MUTT. After all, he said, "I'm a MUTT".

Okay AMERICA!!! He finally admitted that he is not just African American!!!!

Okay, I just had to get that off my chest. I want to say one more thing about our new President Elect. I honestly believe that he will do a good job. At least he will work at trying to do a good job. Unlike the current President, which I voted for and have a picture of him shaking my hand on my bulletin board at work, he hasn't had everything handed to him on a silver platter. He has had to work for it. He rose from the bottom to the top with no celebrity or wealthy parents behind him ie. the Bushes the Kennedys and the like. So, it will be a great adventure to see what happens. I can imagine him making a statement like my Dad always says like "We're gonna do it, even if it's wrong". So, it's now a wait and watch game I guess.

I will write later about more thoughts, but right now I have to leave and get some other things done. Then of course there's that paper that must get written hanging over my head. Oh, well, it's not due until Monday. I have a whole 'nother day to go!!!!

have a good day
God Bless

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Post Election Thoughts

Well, folks, here it goes. I knew that someday I would get to give my opinions on the election turnout of 2008. What an election it was. I, for one, knew what the outcome would be. I have been preparing myself for it for a long time. People have been asking me what I thought about the election and I have an answer for you now.

I am VERY EXCITED about the future!!! Are you surprised? Well, for starters, I voted for McCain. I really feel that he was the best candidate for our country.

Now, with that behind us, the reality is here. MCCAIN DIDN'T WIN!!!!!!!!!

So, we take what we got and make lemonade. I am looking on the bright side. We have a very positive politician in the White House now. We have a man that the public is excited about. (Something that we haven't had in awhile.) This man alone cannot make changes without a lot of political help. The voice of America has spoken and OBAMA is the President now.

I have, for a long time, been an advocate for Republican views. I've been quoted as saying that we made it through eight years of Clinton, we can make it through four of Obama. The fact is that if we had to have a Democrat in Washington, Obama is a good one. Well, from what I can tell, that is. CHANGE is what we need as a country and while I think we could have gotten that from a Republican Candidate, the fact is we didn't get that, we got Obama and we will deal with it. I for one will pray hard for him and his leadership. (I am guilty of not praying for Clinton. Don't really like that man, never have, never will.)

But this is not about the Democratic Party. This is about America and how we stand united always. I do not like what I hear our new President is planning on instigating in our laws, such as taxing and anti-terrorist views. But, I'm a firm believer that once he gets behind the desk and is reviewed on all of what is going on and why, some of his views will change. I heard a radio announcer say that he believes Obama will get better attention from Republicans than Democrats in his day to day runnings of the Country. This may very well be true. Only time will tell. I'm glad that the Democrats are going to get their shot at Washington. It's their turn.

Now, I want to discuss everyone's haste to the "race" issues. The fact that this man is Half Black is not a big deal to me. For ever and ever I have been taught that color is not an issue. The man is responsible for his actions, now matter the color of his skin. We teach our children this, we teach it in school and church. It's the nation's motto that color isn't a factor. EVER. So why are we so excited to have this Black man as President?

Well, I guess that since I am not, or can't prove, that I have any Black Heritage, then I can't fully understand the extent of this event, or fully feel the blessedness of this to the black culture. But, am I understanding this correctly? If, just say IF, a person has any "blackness" in his ancestry, is he African American? Here the media is so bent on this African American man becoming president and then showing him with is white grandmother that just passed away. ???? I'm confused. I thought he was Black. The laws of, well, the laws of anything say that if something can be thought of as "one way" then they can also go the "other way" as well. Am I correct? Could not Obama be white as well as black? His mother is white, as I understand. Does she see her son as a black man?

I know that I sound racist here. But let's look at it a little differently. Couldn't he have come at this as, maybe, something like this?

.....I know I look black, and while I am proud of my African American heritage, and my white mother, as well, I see myself as an American. I am a true, full-blooded, American. This is what America is about people. Blacks and Whites, living with each other, amongst each other, getting along, loving each other as one, equality at its highest. I am the perfect example of the true American.......

Now, would that have gotten him the votes?

The fact is he is our President now, and we, as Christians, have prayed to our Father God above to deliver us a President to lead our nation. We now have Obama and we need to give him a chance to lead our nation. No, he's not the one I voted for, he's not the one I prayed for, however, I did pray the Lord's will be done. I am excited for a change in our nation, a change that will unify these American Peoples of all color and nationalities into One Nation Under God.

I said earlier that I knew what the outcome would be, and that I had been preparing myself for it for awhile. I knew that if I prayed hard enough, and if Christians around the world prayed hard enough, the Lord would deliver us who we needed in the times that we are in right now. We can't see the big picture. We do not know what lies in store for our future. But, it seems that God has a plan and we need to Praise Him for knowing more than we do, for knowing what is best for our Nation, for knowing what we need right now, even if it's not what we think we need. I prayed for our Nation to have rest and peace, that we haven't had in awhile. I prayed that God would see that our Nation has been in pain, and that we need His help and His intervention in a time of war, financial crisis and racial problems.

Okay, this is my longest blog yet. I'm likely not done. But, then, I have other things to do than just writing down my thoughts. Thanks to those who made it to the end of this piece. I congratulate you!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Weekends are for rest?

Says who. I don't really feel like I got a rest. However, I do feel like my weekend was blessed. Empty nest? Not around my house. We stay very busy, very, very busy. And it doesn't stop when the weekend is over. Jenny and I have lots to be thankful for and sometimes we just enjoy the quiet of the house to realize how blessed we are. Then we are up and running again. Kelley may come home this weekend with the boys!!! If this does not happen it won't be the end of the world, but if it were the end of the world....woohoo!!!!!!!!!

It'll be my first Saturday off in three weeks. I'm stoked!!!!

I had a paper due and I got it written and e-mailed to my Prof. Sunday afternoon. This was a blessing also.

I know that I have not written in a while. I have lots to write about, but I can't seem to get it down on paper just yet. My thoughts are not always legible. Have you had a dream that the words just weren't audible? I mean everything is going along just fine and then, BOOM, just when you really need to hear the next sentence someone is saying, you can't understand what they said? Then the rest of the dream is spent trying to figure out what was said? What? What did she just say? I really just want to know what was said so I can go on with my dream? Did she just say ;alsdkfjo0iw0mnc0w? Because that's what I heard. Well, sometimes, that is what my thoughts are.

Some of you have been cheering me on with my quest of running. Well, I am here to tell you that I have been running even more and a little swimming. Swimming is great, however, I stopped seeing any results, so I'm back to running. As long as my knees and hips will let me anyway. When I started I couldn't get around ACU's running trail at all. For those of you who don't know it is a two mile run to get all the way around ACU. I felt good to get half way around jogging without stopping. Half way was at least a mile. Well I've worked myself up to twice around. On Friday I jogged my inaugural two laps around the trail. FOUR miles. A dream come true for a fat boy.

That's it for today. (I can't always jog that far at one time. That week I had jogged two miles on Tuesday, three miles on Thursday and then four on Friday.)

It'll get better.

Good day to you and I hope your weekends are as restful and blessed as mine. LOL

Thursday, June 26, 2008


My thoughts.... Sometimes my thoughts can't be written down. But, my day's events can be. I should think about changing the title of my Blog.

I've started running. I know, I know, sure Eddie, you've started running. I have and I don't run every day because I can't. Not because I can't physically, but because I can't ... timewise... I have errands I have to run during lunch and today is one of those days. I have to get the title to Jessica's car switched so I can get tags for it. I figure if she's going off to college, she needs a car with current tags. You can only go so long with 12/07 tag splashed on your windshield. Apparently in Hawley, a long time, but San Angelo is probably a little more updated with their police force.

At lunchtime, I go and I run or walk or jog. Mostly I jog. I was talking to someone in the locker room the other day and telling him how proud I was that I had jogged all the way around ACU, virtually a two-mile stretch, and he said that I was ready for a 5K run then. I laughed and said "yeah, right".

I am the math minded numbers freak in the family and I'll have to admit that all these years I have seen 5K runs advertised and talked about and blah blah blah and I always thought they were 5 miles. No stupid, it's 5 Kilometers. Duh, K K K K K. What did I think the K stood for all these years. It's actually 3.1 miles. WHAT!!!!!!! Just 3 miles. Anybody can go 3.1 miles. He said that nobody runs to win. They all run to beat their own time and stay fit. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! How cool is that. A race where nobody cares who wins!!!!!!!!!!

Well, since I have started running at work during lunch, I have met at least a couple of people who are very supportive of my new endeavor and I have even been invited to two different races (which are really not races remember) but I haven't been able to go because of prior commitments. However, I do intend to go to one some day. I can jog all the way around ACU, and I'm sure that soon I'll be able to jog around twice, and that's further than a 5K run.

Now, I know all of you are picturing me all slim and trim and handsome as ever, and true enough all of my "new" friends who are runners are slim and trim, however, I am not at all. I still have lots to lose. But I do feel better, and that's what counts.

Well, I really gotta run. Ha Ha, pardon the pun.

Hope this brightens your day.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!

I've been receiving e-mails by the bagful, (1), from all of my glorious fans, (Kim), that say that I should get back to writing words of wisdom on my blog.
First of all I want you all ,(Kim), to know that I am deeply honored that I have been missed.

I could go on and on about how I haven't had time to write, ...about how I have been getting my last child ready to graduate from High School. I had to go through two weeks of an absessed tooth, but now it is better, actually, gone. I have been so busy with my extra job of building trophies and how when I took on this business I had three children at home that helped me at my command and now I have ...about how for ACU it's the end of the fiscal year on May 31 and that is more important than anything else you can possibly imagine. ...about how it doesn't seem to be in the cards for Jenny to get a full-time teaching job in the public school system and that is a constant worry or bother. ...and my oldest and her children and husband having decided to further her education at Harding in Arkansas and while that is awesome, well, to be frank it is a downer on the grandkids leaving the State, and I want to help in all the ways a Dad can help so I am arranging to be off to help them move and stuff like that. ...what else???? ...surely something else has stopped me from blogging.

Yesterday I was catching up on some e-mails and along with that came some facebook cleanup and answering etc.

I came upon a really cool picture that a friend of mine took of himself and he has it on his facebook page. Well, the picture is of him sitting and his arm is on this really large rock here on campus that says "The Lord" on it. Well it is part of the Jacob's Ladder area here on campus. I have walked around this place several times. I have just not been so intriqued by this rock until I saw this picture. Can you actually imagine being able to carry The Lord around with you, or lie down in the grass and put your arm around The Lord? It was so symbolic, this Rock that says The Lord. Why as humans do we need something symbolic? Of course, we don't, we just think we do. The Lord is all around us. In all that we see, in all that we do, in our workplace, in our home, in our children. We don't need a rock. But how cool was that large, bold, massive rock that said "The Lord".

I thought about it all day. I'm still thinking about it. I do need the Lord with me at all times. I thank the Lord that He is not a place that I have to go to when I need Him. He is just there, always, actually even when I don't need Him, or think I don't.

When Jesus was walking on the water on the Sea of Gallilee and he nearly passed up the boat with the deciples having all kinds of trouble rowing during a storm. He must have just waited and waited and waited, actually it tells us until the 4th watch he waited and finally decided to walk out there. This just tells me that even when we take FOREVER to call on the Lord in times of need, he will be there, patiently waiting, possibly walking by and hoping that we'll see him and call on him so he can help.

He's there, a large, huge, rock that is possibly labeled "The Lord" just waiting for us to call on Him.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Cisco Family Retreat

This past weekend I had the pleasure of 3 devotionals at key times of the day, three different days. It was awesome. We had our annual Cisco Family Retreat this past weekend and I hadn't been in quite a few years. Things got in the way, and one thing after another, I just hadn't fit it in my schedule. It was so much fun that I'm really sorry that I didn't go the last few times.

I arrived first on the scene around 1:00pm to unload the food items and set up my camper. Why the camper you ask? Well, it's a really long story and I really shouldn't get into it here. After unpacking and setting up the camper, I began on supper. I made two roaster pans of lasagna and then I had help putting together the garlic bread and green beans, tea and coffee, and salad. Everyone was there by 7:00ish and we ate and had a great time.

I must have played 50 hands of 42 throughout the weekend. Also, I played one game of scrabble, a little horseshoes, and visited a whole lot.

I also just realized that if I give a blow by blow account of this it will be a very very long blog. So, I won't. We had a midnight devo on Friday evening. We had a sunset devo on Saturday evening and a sunrise service on Sunday morning.
The Sunday morning service was so great. The sun came up over the horizon and we were singing and I just can't describe it. People were snapping pictures, and you would have thought it was the first act of your kid's play at school. Everyone thought it was great. We really, really had a good time.

All of the people that were there had nothing but good things to say about the entire weekend. We had a fully cooked breakfast with sausages, gravy, bisquits and eggs and then for lunch on Saturday we had sandwiches. Then we pulled out the grill and had hamburgers and hotdogs for supper. After the sunrise service on Sunday morning we had muffins and cinnamon rolls and bisquits and jelly.

Oh, my I can't say enough about how good it was. We rested, we played, we hiked and we fellowshipped. Did I say I had a good time?
Well, I'm gonna close for now, I may just have to write more later.

see ya next year!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Cruise Ship?

I have been absent as far as "blogging" goes for over a week. Why is that? I have no real answer to that except I just haven't been feeling like writing. I haven't had anything to say. BUT!!!!!!!!! I do.

I have the most wonderful family and I just can't seem to find ways of expressing it. All the way from my Grandmother to my grandchildren, they are just awesome. Can I just say it again?? I love my wife and kids and I don't really know why I don't know how to put in words my feelings for them.

We heard a speaker this weekend, and while I'm not 100% on all he had to say and all of his avenues and tactics he did impress on me a few things. And, isn't that what it's all about, getting something out of anything that will help you out on the road of life? He hit a couple of nerves, but I could usually agree with what he said, just not always how he got there.

He compared our Christian Journey to a ship. Are we on a Cruise Ship or are we on a Battle ship. I pondered this.....and I pondered this....and I do believe that I have been on a cruise ship. I have not fought a battle over my Christianity in a long time, or ...ever???

I think I fight the battle, but how do I? I want to fight the battle, but how and who with? Yes, I feel like I fight the devil every day with my own life, but am I fighting the battle for Christ and saving others from being lost? My children are grown and I'm not saying that that battle is over, but my goal in life is for my children and now their families, to go to heaven. Heaven is our goal is it not? And ever how many you can take with you. Right??? There is always more you can do.

I guess what I am saying is that I haven't been the example that I should be, and I am going to be that example for my Kids and their families from heretofore. I want them to equate me with "Spiritual". I'm not talking "Holy Roller", I'm talking about being that Christlike figure that is dependable, expectable, a leader, a patriarch, learned, knowledgeable, reasonable...

I don't think a Cruise ship is all that bad. I'm sure that the speaker wanted us to all join him on the Battleship and fight for our Christianity all the way to heaven. But....I also think once we are saved and have that redemption and then of course battle the devil along the way, we can and do have the luxury of being on a cruise ship. All cruise ships are not just hunky dory, they have problems along the way also, or so I've heard. My Christian cruise has been awesome!!!!!! I could stand to get my hands dirty and work a lot harder at it and that's exactly what I intend to do. I'm not sure that the name of my Cruise ship has been emblazened on the side with CHRIST'S CRUISE LINES. But... I'm thinking that a cruise ship is not that bad of a way to travel, especially if it has that name on it. It may even ward off a few evil attempts of the old devil himself.

So, are you with me? Am I crazy? Join me on my Cruise.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Repair the Dent---You're Insured

Hey everyone. It was a most productive and relaxing weekend. I had so much to do on Saturday, including a birthday party that just didn't fit in (sorry Dianne) and a wedding at Church that also didn't fit in, a funeral to plan for on Sunday and lots of going here and doing this and that, blah blah blah. It's just so hard to get all done that has to be done and still make it thru the entire weekend unscathed.

Some of you knew that Jessica crunched the door in on our car in the parking lot at school. Well, she did and I had to get that taken care of as soon as possible. I have a door bought and a body shop that is gonna pick it up and paint it and call me when it is ready to put on. It was so tempting to just live with the dent and pocket the money. But, you know, that door looks pretty bad. It just really needs to be fixed.

I was thinking about the door and the repairs that needed to be fixed and the insurance that sent the money to fix it and how I just really was tempted to not use it. Our lives are much like that door. We sometimes have a dent that is not that bad, sometimes not even noticeable to the public eye. We live with it all along knowing that it is there. That dent is repairable, but we keep putting it off and putting it off. We see it and we think, yep, there it is, I should fix that. I have God's forgiveness, I have the insurance coverage, the check was sent, I just haven't cashed in on it yet. Why not? It's free, fix the dent and get on with your life!!!
Cash in on the insurance and then every time you look in the mirror, you'll see a beautiful repaired soul. Paid for by the blood of Christ, an insurance policy that we carry with us 24/7.

After my door is fixed, I am going to be so happy and I'll know that the repairs were done with the insurance policy that I carry. No skin off my nose, no worries.

I love insurance, and I love the God that gave me my very own insurance policy.

Repair your dents and get on with life. You have an insurance policy that has a no cancel clause.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Carry the Word of God With You (literally)

I just want to say thanks to everyone for responding, when you do, to my blog. While this is not a response-generated blog, it is nice to here things back. Especially when they are encouraging.

I have a couple of thoughts that I thought I'd put down on paper. First of all my prayers go out to my sister Kim who is having surgery today. We are so happy that the doctors have found your problem and you are going to feel so much better after this surgery and after you are on your feet again. A new woman you'll be. Watch out world, because you ain't seen the real KIM in a while and I'm just so glad that already you have been blessed with a beautiful family that loves you and cares for your welfare.

That being said, I'll dive into the rest of my thoughts that my head has been saving up for you good people. First of all, I was thinking last week, probably Sunday, about something that came up. I'm not sure whether it was something in the sermon or just popped in my head (okay, you must understand that my head does some funky stuff. My mind can wonder worse than a rabbit in the woods) I have used the analogy many times that if you are gonna be good at something you have to practice it over and over again. We all know this. Then why, why, why do I keep leaving out God's word in my practice? I really have good intentions, but do I pick up the Bible and read it and study it? Would you really want me on your basketball team knowing that I just really want to be a good ball player and I think about it, but I don't ever or hardly ever go out and practice playing?

I've heard that to be good at something, like basketball, you really need to, like, carry the ball around with you everywhere you go. It soon becomes a part of you and you wonder what to do if you don't have it with you. How do you feel when you leave the house without your cell phone these days? You may as well not have any pants on. I saw a reality show where a girl wanted to be a good rugby player and her personal coach made her carry a rugby ball around with her all the time. She had to have it with her down the halls, in the bathroom, at home and play and school. Always right there in her arms. It became part of her. It was a very integral part of her becoming good at the game.

Couldn't we do the same thing with God's word? I've thought that I was a good person by somewhat knowing God's word. I carry it around with me in my heart. I think I should carry it around with me literally. Test it out, like a basketball....would it become a part of me that I'd miss after awhile? This is something that I really think I will try. You who read my blog, can check me out on this. Yes, I forgot it today, I don't have my Bible with me, however, neither do I have my Cell Phone. Why do I feel naked today? It's not because I forgot my Bible.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Just Tuesday

Well, I woke up this morning at 3:30 and I should have gotten up, because my head was clear and I was wide awake. I lay there, tossing and turning, got up, got a glass of water, lay back down, same thing. Then at 5:00 or so I finally got a little sleepy and went to sleep just before the alarm went off at 5:45 and then just couldn't wake up!!!! It was 6:20 when I got up and while I was making the bed I thought, Oh, well, at least it's Friday. Then somewhere in there I really woke up walking from one side of the bed to the other and I thought, CRAP!!! It's just Tuesday!!!

But, all in all it has turned out to be a blessed day, and will continue to be so I'm sure. It's all in your perspective. We had a great weekend with two birthday parties and a First Sunday meal at Church. We had snow on Monday and that is always beautiful. My class was canceled last night which was a miracle from God (I hadn't done my homework) And tonight's The Biggest Loser on TV!!!!!! It just don't get any better than that.

I've just finished a book called EAT MOR CHIKIN, doing business the Chick-fil-A way. Truett Cathy, the owner wrote it and it's mostly about how he did it and all that he does with his business and all of his failures and successes etc etc etc. Well, after reading the book, and I highly recommend it to everyone, I was actually downright depressed. I know that sounds weird, but really I had mixed emotions. We had to read it for work, and it is supposed to help us be better business people, blah blah blah. I thought, after reading the book, that if I were 20 years old, I'd be very inspired, if I were 30 years old I'd be intrigued and think it very interesting, but at 50 it was just downright depressing to see what he had accomplished and what I have not accomplished. I know that I can start now and still do something in this world, for me, for God, for everyone. But I feel like I have fiddle faddled away at least 30 of the last 50 years of my life and not really accomplished anything. Anything great that is.

This is not a pity party. I really want to do something and make a difference and it can be simple. I want to be there for people when they call. I want to be helpful and loving and caring. And, I want to be prosperous. Is that too much to want to be prosperous? I think I can get the loving and caring thing down. It's the prosperous thing that I need a lot of work on.

I held Cameron this weekend and put him to sleep. He was just precious. I just rocked him and he cuddled so sweetly. I held Jet and in his own way he was being very sweet in trying his best to show me how to play a video game. I am so stupid on those things. He said I had to find the X's and get them. I told him I didn't even see any X's to get. He said, "Grandad, you just have to open your eyes and look. See, they're there. Just get them." So simple for him, the 5-year old boy genius.

I've rambled on too much and I really must get to work.

have a good Tuesday/Friday

Friday, February 29, 2008

A Good Day

Yesterday was a very productive day. This morning as we were getting up, Jenny recapped the night before of all the things we accomplished after work and I just wanted to turn over and go back to sleep. I was tired all over again.

I've been staying up later and getting something, just something, done on in or around the house every day after work. It has motivated her to do a little more also. After chasing those horrible 4 year olds all day, she is just shot by the end of her workday or workweek. Jet and Cameron are coming tonight (and Kelley) to attend Abigail's birthday party and we are excited about that. Little things like seeing my kids and my grandkids excite me.

Oh, I think I can download the pictures this time, so here goes and until next time, I have a busy weekend planned.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Taking Care of What I Have

I really wanted to write more and show pictures, but for the life of me I can't figure out what or how to do it. I'm sure I'll figure it out someday, but at home my computer is so slow and, well, face it ancient, that I just can't seem to get it to work.

We really had a great weekend. Saturday we left out for San Angelo to visit Tyler and Kassie. We had a great day visiting and trying to help them find a place to move to. They want to either buy or rent something soon. We just rode around town and looked at houses to rent and also one that they have looked into to buy. It is really nice, but since our visit they have decided not to buy right now. I talked to him today and they are doing fine and still looking around. Jenny wasn't feeling really well and had to stay at their place while we drove around awhile, but she was feeling better by the time we got back. We got home around 8:00 that evening.

Then Sunday morning we went to Church and then went to Snyder and Ira. Actually Ira and drove through Snyder. Staci and Toby brought pizza and we ate at Kelley and Jimmy's and played with the boys. That's what I wanted to show you on the computer, all the pictures that I took. I'll get them on some day. It was a nice trip and well worth the time, both trips actually.

Just to change the subject, I was visiting with Jenny while paying bills this weekend. We've done all the "right" things and still I can't see why we have to struggle so much financially. I'm sure we are not the only ones who feel this way. We give willingly and graciously to the Lord's work. We attend Church and live Godly lives. I know that we can never do enough but I may have stumbled onto something that has been bothering me for some time now.

I don't believe I have been taking good care of or tending to the things that God has given me. Like a father to a child, you just get so tired of giving to the kid and he just wants more and more and don't even take care of what you have given him. I mean really, how many of us have been on both ends of this situation. "Well, son, if you'd taken care of what you had, then you'd have it today, or at least I'd feel like you deserved more." I'm beginning to feel that that is how God feels toward me right now. I just really have not taken good care of the things I have. Of course I care for my family etc. etc., I'm talking about the material things, "stuff" that is all around my house. I have so much "stuff" that I have to stumble around it to get anywhere. Really, why would He allow me the chance to get more???

I told Jenny that I honestly believe that this is the lesson God wants me to learn and that I felt I needed to verbalize this to her and physically tell her that I was purposing right then and now that I would start trying to take care of my blessings that God has afforded me. Blessings that come in several forms, such as time, "stuff" and $$$$$. So, now that I have acknowledged this to God and to Jenny, I am now writing it down in my "journal" so that everyone knows. I am really going to try and take more care of my "stuff" and show appreciation for the things I have. Yes, I have an ulterior motive, but it's a good one and one that I believe God would be proud of. I'm not looking to become rich, I just want to be happy and my bills to be paid and plan for a bright future with retirement just around the corner. I know that God is on my side. He wants us to have all we need. Just like any father would his children.

Have a nice day and I'll try to write sooner.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lunch time at the OK corral. I wanted to say a few things about yesterday so that, like I stated earlier, I could chronicle my year.

Work was "normal" and after work I went to Wal-Mart after picking up Jenny at work. Prices are just astronomical. We got a few, and I mean few, things and it was 50 dollars. Fifty dollars!!! We went through the "20 items or less" line. No big ticket items. Without telling you the whole list, it included things like a gallon of milk, a bag of chips, small bag of candy, (i know, I know) toilet paper, paper towels, some moth balls for the skunks (it's supposed to work), canned milk (gotta have that gravy), sliced cheese(that's a Jet item). What's this world coming to. Milk is cheaper at the convenience store than at wal-mart and HEB (except they don't have fat free). I must have fat free milk to go with the candy and cookies. We must conserve somewhere.

Anyway, such was the afternoon, it was nearly 7 when we got home and ravaged through the fridge to get what leftovers were there for supper. It was time for the Biggest Loser and I could hardly wait. They all got to go home for a week and this was interesting, but I got to thinking. What do they all do for a living? None of them seem to have a job, except Dan and his Mom who have an after school program thing going on. Okay, they have been at this thing for six or so weeks and nobody seems to be just a little bit worried about the bills not getting paid. And a couple of those houses!!?? Oh, my!!! Beautiful. A couple pretty normal, however, nice. I'm thinking that people who have houses like that and don't need to work, why do they need an extra 250,000???

Then it was "The Office" for a couple of episodes and off to bed. Now you know why you don't get too many "chronicles" of my day. Pretty boring, huh? I'm looking forward to Saturday, we're going to San Angelo to look at a house that Tyler wants to buy for him and Kassie. WooHoo!!

While writing this I am having homemade Taco Soup w/fritos. Not the best weight loss diet, but, no sweets and no cokes, it'll be better than the old days. I'm gonna walk for the rest of my lunch break.

So, guess I'll walk.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Heaven? You betcha!!!

I'm just so tired after work.

I know that is an interesting opening line, but what is going on? I'm thinking it must be the lack of movement. I move all day at work, but somehow, it must be different for old people.

Used to I could sit at a desk all day and then go home and work in the yard, milk goats, tend to chickens, clear brush, mow the yard (push mower), work in a garden and pick stickers. Oh my goodness it makes me tired to write it down now. Now??? All I want to do when I get home is sit and watch TV. I don't think it's the TV. I had TV even back in the dark ages when my kids were small. I wasn't any less active or more active than I am now.

I'm just thinking that it must be that I need to get the old heart pumping after 4:00 to get anything accomplished. But when you don't get home till 6 or sometimes 7 o'clock and then you eat and then what's left? watch tv and go to bed.

How do people live when they don't believe in Heaven? If there is nothing to look forward to than this old rat-race, Oh, my goodness, how do you live?

Now, I'm not talking about all the love, here and there, family, kids, grandkids, sure that's a given. That's what keeps me going here on this earth. And, I love it, I don't want to leave any time soon. I'm talking about the daily grind.

I'm heavenward bound!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Okay, it's gone

Okay, It's gone.
That was about to drive me crazy. Did you see my previous post? I think the title was in hindu or something. I really couldn't figure out how to delet it. So there it was, I should have left it; funny thing is I'd probably get more comments on it than any.

Yesterday was just a blur. I came to work and sat at my desk possibly 3 times, only. It was a "get ready for sing song" day. And today will be a "it is sing song" day.

But as I sat on my couch I last night I thought, wow, what a day, I think I'm gonna be sick.

By the way, thanks for checking in daily. I really had planned to write something very philosophical yesterday, but my day got away from me and honestly, it just flew by what with getting ready for Sing Song and blah blah blah.

Kim asked what my weekend looked like. Well, let me just say, not rest. I have to do some trophies for a guy that I should have done and delivered by Wednesday. I really thought they were for next week. So much for my mental clock. I have to work Saturday 10 - 1 and then I'll probably have to get some groceries. I really want to see my grandsons. That probably won't happen. I have to put some things up into the attic that have been just sitting in my room since Christmas. It's just a long weekend of getting some things done that have been needing done for a long time.

I have no wisdom or devotional thoughts today. Does that make me dumb or not religious? People put lots of weight on what you know or what are your thoughts on something. Sometimes, we just don't have anything to say. Nope, Ma'am. I'm not stupid, I love Jesus, and I just have nothing to say.

Someone said today that "It's not what you know, it's what people think you know". I thought about that for a moment and you know??? he was right. So very right. People think I'm smart---am I? People think I'm sweet and kind---am I? People think I'm religious---am I? People think I'm a good father, husband, son, brother, uncle---am I? On this old world that just might get you by for years and years. But we can't and won't fool God. It's pretty much just the opposite with him. Am I smart? sweet and kind? religious? a good father, husband, brother, son, uncle? I can't fool God, He knows, more than you know yourself.

Have a good weekend and be all those things and mean it. Don't try to fool God.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Well, I just want to say that I only found some of you today. Matt, Rob, Beau, Britney. I'm so sorry that I haven't been reading your thoughts for the day. Thanks for all you do and say to me on my thoughts.

Our thoughts are sometimes so private. In fact I'm sure if a survey was done, we would find that most everyone keeps their thoughts to themselves. There is a reason for this I'm sure. I don't even want to know what everyone thinks about me, nor do I want everyone to know what I think about them. Is that two-faced or polite?

I actually believe that it's polite, rather than two-faced. Why? I think that two-faced is telling one person you feel one way and another person another way. That would be double tongued and that is wrong scripturally.

So, where am I going with this? Well, do I have to be going anywhere? Probably so. I love hearing from everyone and I love the thought that people are reading what I write. I heard you, Matt, say once in a sermon that you were writing in your BLOG one day and blah blah blah, I'm sorry I don't remember the rest of the sermon, but that's where my ADD kicked in and my mind went wondering. I was thinking, what does he write, and better yet, why??? Why would you write all this down just for yourself. If you'll remember, I started this to chronicle my year. What better way to chronicle what's happening in your life than with this blog that keeps it stored on somebody's computer or however it works. That's not important how, just that it works. I also wanted some sort of therapy for myself so that I could get my thoughts out of my head and on paper. (well, not all of my thoughts) That's just it, the thoughts that matter to me and to you possibly.

Again, thanks for letting me ramble. I love this avenue of communication. I think I have a new addiction.

God is Our Father

Slowly but surely, the weight is coming off in our house. Jenny has lost 12 pounds and I have lost 11. I am finally under 230!!!!!!!!!!This is awesome for me. This is where I usually get a little prissy and start eating anything I want, because I am skinny!!!!

Well, first of all, it'll be a cold day in July before 229 is skinny. I really know this. So, all this aside my house has lost 23 pounds (Jenny and I). She hasn't really done anything special, just cut back and eat more veggies. I on the other hand have had to go through missing meals, eating lots less, counting calories blah blah blah and have lost less than she, but that's fine, we're happy.

Did you watch the biggest loser? I know it's sad when my day revolves around a TV show. And the day will come when I it is revealed that it was all fake somehow, but that show really inspires me. "Mark" is down to 215. He is on the biggest loser and now he weighs less than I do. In fact, so does "Bernie". AAUURRGGG. What a mess I have gotten myself into. It's coming off, I say, it's coming off.

Thanks for the prayers and concerns, I had a much better day yesterday. Lots accomplished at work, lots accomplished at home. Mom and Dad are feeling really bad, I took them some medicines and Gatorade and visited Granny at the hospital. We took her a little black gorilla that whistles when you squeeze it's tummy. She laughed and laughed. Her eyes just glistened. You know she is feeling better just by talking to her. I gave her an update on Mom and she was just heartbroke that she couldn't get out of the hospital and take care of her little girl. Isn't that sweet? I suppose your kids will always be your little kids. I know when Tyler was having trouble with a car dealer not fixing his tires on a truck that he had bought insurance for he was calling me regularly, "Dad what do I do?" I gave his several ideas and he had done them all. The last thing I told him was to tell that guy to shape up and do what was right or his daddy would be on his door step. I never heard another word, the tires got fixed and all was good. Whether he actually told the man what I said, I'm not sure, but he either did and the man respected it, or it gave Tyler the confidence that I was there to back him up and he got the job done.

We depend on our parents always, and you know why? Because our parents are always there for us. Good or bad, they are always there. Is it any wonder why God is called our Father? He is always there for us, good or bad, always there, giving us advice, comforting us, coddling us, telling us he loves us.

have a good day

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why do we have skunks?

You know?, they are a niusence..(okay I've tried every combination of letters available and can't figure out how to spell that word, but I think you know what I'm trying to spell)....always. I have a cousin that used to have a pet skunk. It was cute and it walked funny, but the first thing they did was cut off his stinkers. I know some people like that. Right after I met them, the first thing I wanted to do was to cut off their stinkers.

Sometimes, we just have to put up with people who stink in attitudes and behaviors as well as the way they really smell. I guess that is what the lesson for the night was for me. I smelled skunk smell all night long and got no sleep while Jenny lay there and slept like a baby. How could she sleep? It was very tempting to wake her up to share my misery. But, why should two of us be miserable?

I guess what I'm trying to say is that in life we have occasional stinkers that show up and we will have to deal with them as they do. They won't always be able to be "fixed" like my cousin's little skunk. SO DEAL WITH IT!!!!

Did I say I hate skunks?

So all that aside, my day was pretty bad, but I think I brought most of it on myself. I skipped lunch so when five o'clock rolled around I could stop my work and go straight to typing the paper that was due at six thirty. Of course writing the paper took up that time and I missed eating my lunch before my class, so I ate when I got home at ten. That's a really bad time to eat, but oh well, I did it anyway.

I said originally that this would be a therapy for me. I should have used this more yesterday. Yesterday was a bad day in all. There is always someone worse off than me, I know and I'm reminded of that often. Just when I am the "downest" I get reminded from an e-mail, phone call, or note of some sort that it's not all about me.

thanks for listening

Monday, February 11, 2008

What a Weekend

I am sometimes more tired after a weekend than I really believe they were designed to be. Of course my weekends are just so jam packed full of this, do that, go here, go there, and of course eat this, eat that...that I just don't have time to sit and relax sometimes.
I actually did realx some this weekend and that was a blessing... so what am I talking about? Well, at work, everyone always asks me how busy my weekend was because I guess they are used to me telling them that it was very very busy. In fact, few ever ask any more if I had a nice weekend. what is a weekend??? ...what are they for???


I believe they exactly that. They are a couple of days at the end of the work week. I use them for visiting my children and extended family. We well clean around the house. In my case I do some trophy work and maybe some yard work. Catch a movie, on TV or at the theatre, depending on the old checkbook balance.

This weekend started off with playing with my grandsons. Jet likes to watch movies and play video games (he's 5) and also he will interact with you one-on-one if you will sit and do it. He wanted to watch Star Wars this time and I sat down to watch it with him. He kept asking me questions about the movie and I didn't know any of the answers. He actually knew all of the answers, he just likes to ask and see what I know. For example he asked me what the space ship was shooting down and I said that it looked like bombs or something like that. He promptly told me that I was wrong...they were droids. Okay, so they're droids, alright. Because his daddy told him they were. You can learn a lot about a kid just talking to him. I learned from that that Jimmy talks to him during the movies. I think that's great.

He also wanted to know who Darth Vader was and I told him as much that the ugly man in the black mask was Darth Vader. I felt so smart, I wouldn't be wrong on this one. He said, " I think its Annicas (I'm not really sure how he pronounced it, annicus, addicus, annican) Darth Vader. I asked Kelley later and she said that yes, he and Jimmy discuss those things and they had talked about the Darth Vader's real name as Ana...whatever it really is.

Now, if I had not let Jet watch the show, or worse yet not sat down and watched it with him, would I have known that he was so intelligent? Yes, I already knew he was intelligent.

I have rambled more than I should have already. I think short posts are easier to read.

..until next time

Friday, February 8, 2008

It's Over

Well, the end of the day is here. It started with a bang and I'm sure it'll end with one. Cameron was up early and really that was good because we needed them up to get them ready for Annabelle to pick them up before we left for work. And she did.
Today went so fast at work. It was so funny because I have been sick for the last couple of days and I have called Scott at approximately 7:40 each morning to let him know that I wasn't coming in because of my sickness. Well, this morning I called him at 7:40 on the dot. He said he thought, "Right on schedule", which is what I wanted him to think. I said, "Hey, Scott, I'm just calling to...uh...well, I'm at AES". He said, "Glory Hallelujah!"
I felt nice to have been missed.
I think quite often we want to be missed. Don't you? so many times, we say we don't care, when really all we want is for someone to care about us. Shouldn't we care...back???
My goal this next week is to care more. I tried this today and the day went so fast. I spent the entire day doing my work, of course, and putting out fires. That's what I call it. I fix things all day and make little decisions as to what needs to be done here, wouldn't this look better over here, what do you think about this, or that. It's no wonder that at the end of the day, I just want to sit on the couch and be a couch potato and watch the tube all night. OH!!! Psyche comes on tonight...
Anyway, back to the original thought. It felt good to care for other people. It's much like a smile, so I hear. It takes more muscles to frown than to smile. Well, I believe it takes less strength to care than to not.
I'm off for an evening with the grandsons.

Okay, I've done it!

This is to say that I have announced my blog to my friends and family. Was that the thing to do? I hope so, because this is not a gripe page. This is a therapy for me and I would welcome all who wish to respond to anything I have to say, to just go right ahead and do so.
Subjects will range from school, marriage, kids, grandkids, finances, work, religious discussions, devotional thoughts, just a whole lot of "STUFF"
So to those who read, I hope it's not entirely boring, but somewhat entertaining as the blog continues.

Here We Go

A couple of days with the Grandkids. They are so fun. Jet says the darndest things. He loves to play I Spy on the computer and, of course, he gets tired of it so quickly. However, he won't let me use the "helps" because there are only four and then you have no more. And, "Grandma says" don't use them. So well, we don't get to use them, unless he is not looking.
He and Cameron are spending the day with Annabelle and Grandma and I will get them back this evening. Yeah!
Well, I know that I said I would get deeper on some subjects and what my mind is thinking, but for the most part this is just a time-killer and therapy for me. We'll see how this works.
see ya

Random Thoughts

Just want to try this thing out. My thanks to Gina for showing me how to do this and where to start. I have no particular reason to do this, except I wanted to chronicle my year and I haven't had much luck writing it down on paper.
I have been sick this past couple of days, however, who hasn't?
I intend to get down and deep on parts of this blog, but for a start this is gonna have to suffice.
thanks for those who may visit.