Thursday, June 26, 2008


My thoughts.... Sometimes my thoughts can't be written down. But, my day's events can be. I should think about changing the title of my Blog.

I've started running. I know, I know, sure Eddie, you've started running. I have and I don't run every day because I can't. Not because I can't physically, but because I can't ... timewise... I have errands I have to run during lunch and today is one of those days. I have to get the title to Jessica's car switched so I can get tags for it. I figure if she's going off to college, she needs a car with current tags. You can only go so long with 12/07 tag splashed on your windshield. Apparently in Hawley, a long time, but San Angelo is probably a little more updated with their police force.

At lunchtime, I go and I run or walk or jog. Mostly I jog. I was talking to someone in the locker room the other day and telling him how proud I was that I had jogged all the way around ACU, virtually a two-mile stretch, and he said that I was ready for a 5K run then. I laughed and said "yeah, right".

I am the math minded numbers freak in the family and I'll have to admit that all these years I have seen 5K runs advertised and talked about and blah blah blah and I always thought they were 5 miles. No stupid, it's 5 Kilometers. Duh, K K K K K. What did I think the K stood for all these years. It's actually 3.1 miles. WHAT!!!!!!! Just 3 miles. Anybody can go 3.1 miles. He said that nobody runs to win. They all run to beat their own time and stay fit. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! How cool is that. A race where nobody cares who wins!!!!!!!!!!

Well, since I have started running at work during lunch, I have met at least a couple of people who are very supportive of my new endeavor and I have even been invited to two different races (which are really not races remember) but I haven't been able to go because of prior commitments. However, I do intend to go to one some day. I can jog all the way around ACU, and I'm sure that soon I'll be able to jog around twice, and that's further than a 5K run.

Now, I know all of you are picturing me all slim and trim and handsome as ever, and true enough all of my "new" friends who are runners are slim and trim, however, I am not at all. I still have lots to lose. But I do feel better, and that's what counts.

Well, I really gotta run. Ha Ha, pardon the pun.

Hope this brightens your day.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!

I've been receiving e-mails by the bagful, (1), from all of my glorious fans, (Kim), that say that I should get back to writing words of wisdom on my blog.
First of all I want you all ,(Kim), to know that I am deeply honored that I have been missed.

I could go on and on about how I haven't had time to write, ...about how I have been getting my last child ready to graduate from High School. I had to go through two weeks of an absessed tooth, but now it is better, actually, gone. I have been so busy with my extra job of building trophies and how when I took on this business I had three children at home that helped me at my command and now I have ...about how for ACU it's the end of the fiscal year on May 31 and that is more important than anything else you can possibly imagine. ...about how it doesn't seem to be in the cards for Jenny to get a full-time teaching job in the public school system and that is a constant worry or bother. ...and my oldest and her children and husband having decided to further her education at Harding in Arkansas and while that is awesome, well, to be frank it is a downer on the grandkids leaving the State, and I want to help in all the ways a Dad can help so I am arranging to be off to help them move and stuff like that. ...what else???? ...surely something else has stopped me from blogging.

Yesterday I was catching up on some e-mails and along with that came some facebook cleanup and answering etc.

I came upon a really cool picture that a friend of mine took of himself and he has it on his facebook page. Well, the picture is of him sitting and his arm is on this really large rock here on campus that says "The Lord" on it. Well it is part of the Jacob's Ladder area here on campus. I have walked around this place several times. I have just not been so intriqued by this rock until I saw this picture. Can you actually imagine being able to carry The Lord around with you, or lie down in the grass and put your arm around The Lord? It was so symbolic, this Rock that says The Lord. Why as humans do we need something symbolic? Of course, we don't, we just think we do. The Lord is all around us. In all that we see, in all that we do, in our workplace, in our home, in our children. We don't need a rock. But how cool was that large, bold, massive rock that said "The Lord".

I thought about it all day. I'm still thinking about it. I do need the Lord with me at all times. I thank the Lord that He is not a place that I have to go to when I need Him. He is just there, always, actually even when I don't need Him, or think I don't.

When Jesus was walking on the water on the Sea of Gallilee and he nearly passed up the boat with the deciples having all kinds of trouble rowing during a storm. He must have just waited and waited and waited, actually it tells us until the 4th watch he waited and finally decided to walk out there. This just tells me that even when we take FOREVER to call on the Lord in times of need, he will be there, patiently waiting, possibly walking by and hoping that we'll see him and call on him so he can help.

He's there, a large, huge, rock that is possibly labeled "The Lord" just waiting for us to call on Him.